ジンギスカンとラムしゃぶ ひつじもん(渋谷店)
Yaser Kamil2024-04-25Pros: Great place with a delicious Halal Lamb option, Friendly staff who clearly understand Halal procedures; I was given a separate bowl and utensils. The staff was very friendly and made sure I understood the halal option clearly. They even provide a basket to hold your bags to prevent the smoke from staining them. I would come back here again. Con: Very expensiveChi Fai Law2024-04-25For the price and the portion, there are much better options nearby. The environment was also concerningly bug riddled and there are also a "drink per person" rule that was not written on their advertisements.Catura2024-04-25Terrible service, terrible atmosphere, full of bugs, overpriced food, charged you 300 yen per person for service, no iced water was served, missing chopsticks even asked. Also, everyone must pay for an overpriced drink for 400-450 yen. Ridiculous prices. If you're a tourist, avoid at all cost!!!DAN MIKI2024-02-08予約なしでも快くいれてくれましたToshiaki Mori2024-02-04This is a mutton restaurant run by the Gyumon Group, which specializes in high-quality halal yakiniku. It has little odor and is easy to eat! 高級ハラル焼肉の牛門グループがやっている羊肉のお店です。臭みも少なくて食べやすいです!S. O.2024-02-04自家製のラム肉ウインナーがめちゃくちゃ美味かったです!! ハーブと羊肉のハーモニーを楽しみたい人は絶対食べて😋A O2024-02-04牛門系列のお店です。めちゃ美味しいですのでぜひお試しあれ! This is a Gyumon affiliated store. It's really delicious, so be sure to try it!
店名 | ジンギスカンとラムしゃぶ ひつじもん(渋谷店) |
お問い合わせ | 03-6427-5633 |
住所 | 〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷3丁目15−8 並木橋ビル 2階 |
最寄り駅 | 渋谷駅 徒歩5分 |
営業時間 | 17:00〜23:00 日・祝日 17:00〜22:00 |
支払い方法 | ・カード可 (VISA、Master、JCB、AMEX、Diners) ・電子マネー可 (交通系電子マネー(Suicaなど)、iD、QUICPay) ・QRコード決済可 (PayPay) |
席数 | 80席 |
禁煙・喫煙 | 全席喫煙可 |
駐車場 | 無 近隣にコインパーキングあり |